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  • Anti-Bullying Week

    Published 24/11/23

    For Anti-Bullying Week, Monday 13th to 17th November, under the theme - Make A Noise About Bullying- Brookside Primary School took a stand against bullying by uniting together to wear odd coloured or patterned socks. By wearing odd socks, we celebrated individuality and were encouraged to express our creativity without fear of judgement. Children all across the school engaged in anti-bullying lessons as they learned about what bullying is and what they should do if they experience or witness it.

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  • Happy Diwali!

    Published 20/11/23

    Brookside was sparkling with light and colour as we took part in celebrating Diwali, which was on Sunday 12th November! The children learned about the Festival of Lights and how it is celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains. The classrooms buzzed with excitement as children wrote about their understanding of the holiday and did colourful rangoli patterns which showcased their creativity. Happy Diwali!

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  • Scary Costume Day

    Published 10/11/23

    Tuesday, 31st October was Scary Costume Day for the children in Nursery and Reception. They came dressed to impress in their most outrageous costumes. The children also took photos at the scary photo booth and showed their skills as they carved pumpkins. They all had an amazing day.

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  • Nursery’s Stay and Play

    Published 06/11/23

    Parents, guardians and carers had a fun-filled Stay and Play session on Tuesday 17th October. They engaged in a Power Point presentation that focused on holistic play and interactive activities for both parents and children. The activities included making cards, role-playing in the home corner, creating animal patterns, colouring pictures, riding bikes, and creating model animals and insects using clay. The children and their parents enjoyed the session together while having fun and learning at the same time.

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  • Year 1 Explorers

    Published 20/10/23

    On Friday 6th October, Year 1 pupils went for a walk around the Neighbourhood to learn more about their local area. This was to enhance their understanding of the current Geography topic ‘Around our School’. The children were shown the different types of housing in their local area which included flats, bungalows, semi-detached houses and terraced houses. Pupils visited the local shops and learnt which goods and services they provide. By the end of the day, pupils were able talk about their area and could name some of the places they have visited in Hayes. Great job Year 1!

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  • Black History Month

    Published 13/10/23

    Brookside Primary is a diverse community. As we promote the 6Rs and British values, so too, we celebrate what makes us different. Black History Month has been celebrated in the UK since 1987. The celebration is to stem racism and discrimination and promote equality. At Brookside Primary, we have been paying homage to the black women who have made outstanding contributions and are still making a big impact on society in the areas of science and medicine, arts, media, sports, music, politics and leadership. Throughout the month, different year groups will research and create posters, brochures and leaflets, on specially assigned black women professionals for a grand display wall. Here we are highlighting our diverse group of black excellence within our Brookside community.

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  • Practical Pedestrian Training- Year 4

    Published 09/10/23

    On Tuesday, 3rd October, pupils in Year 4 took part in the Indoor and Outdoor Practical Pedestrian Training sessions delivered by the STARS Team from the Hillingdon Borough. The pupils were split into small groups and learnt about road hazards, how to keep themselves safe when walking on the pavements and crossing roads, particularly busy ones. Once they received their initial training, pupils put into practice all they had learned. They were very engaged throughout the session and gained valuable knowledge on how to be responsible pedestrians.

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  • Democracy Day

    Published 29/09/23

    Brookside Primary School has been hard at work electing their Head Boy and Head Girl for the 2023-2024 school year! All Year 6 children were invited to fill an application form for the roles. Those who applied were then interviewed by a panel of judges. The top three from the interviews moved on to the next stage and campaigned for themselves. On Friday 15th September, Democracy Day had finally arrived, all pupils and staff at Brookside Primary School exercised their right to vote and cast a ballot. Congratulations to our new Head Boy and Head Girl, as well as the Deputy Heads and Prefects!

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  • Roald Dahl Day

    Published 22/09/23

    Brookside Primary School hosted a dress-up day to celebrate the anniversary of Roald Dahl’s fascinating stories. Students dressed up as their favourite characters from Roald Dahl’s books, such as Matilda, The Enormous Crocodile, and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. The pupils were thrilled and excited when they saw each other in their costumes. They were engaged and enthused while listening to and watching the extracts and videos from the books. The event was a great success and marked a memorable day for everyone involved.

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  • Coding Superstars

    Published 18/09/23

    We are extremely proud of our pupils who participated in the Coding Workshop at Parkside Studio College. This was an exhilarating adventure for our little coders. Armed with creativity and determination, these young minds were able to create remarkable games which caused experienced gamers to think twice about how to navigate their games. A massive thank you to Parkside, Greg and Tiana for an amazing job at unearthing this extraordinary talent, and life-long skill in our children. Thank you to our parents, guardians and carers for celebrating this significant achievement with us.

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  • Welcome Back

    Published 08/09/23

    Brookside is pleased to welcome all the pupils back to school. It was a smooth start to the academic year. Our Reception pupils and new Nursery starters have settled in very well during this transition period. Already, they have shown to be very resilient and responsible in their behaviour. We look forward to a very productive year as we inspire our pupils to ‘Strive for Excellence’ in all that they do. We look forward to continuing our work with parents, guardians and carers, to support in the development of each child.

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  • Brookside’s Got Talent

    Published 31/07/23

    On Wednesday 12th July, Brookside Primary school organised their annual talent show to showcase the magnificent talents of our children. Singers, dancers, acrobats and musicians took to the stage to perform in front of their peers and teachers. In addition, the children listened attentively to well performed instrumentals. We were truly amazed by the talents that were displayed by all children and hope to see them again next year.

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