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Success through collaboration

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Brookside Primary

Brookside Primary School has established itself as one of the best primary schools in the area, with pupils consistently achieving well above local and national standards in Early Years, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. Its latest Ofsted report from March 2019 confirms that.

“High-quality teaching means that pupils make strong progress during key stage 2, particularly in writing and mathematics.” Brookside Primary is part of the family of schools sponsored by The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust.  The Trust has a proven track record of success and is responsible for a dramatic upturn in academic achievement locally.

Pupils achieving the expected standard in 2024

  • Brookside Primary
  • National Average
  • Key Stage 2 SATs Reading

  • Key Stage 2 SATs Mathematics

  • Reading, Writing and Mathematics

  • Communication between home and school is continuous, with the Headteacher and staff at the gate a.m and p.m. Any matters raised at the gate are followed up systematically with phone calls and, if needed, action. Planners and Reading Diaries ensure ongoing dialogue.

  • The school provides a wealth of information on the children’s progress, targets and attainment. Curriculum Maps, annual curriculum meetings, an open door, weekly booster classes, holiday activities in English and Maths are all in place.

  • Parents are very happy with the induction and transition processes, and the full support they receive at these key points in their children’s lives. They appreciate the range of workshops, the opportunities to read together, work with their children on joint projects. They explained that there is a strong focus on the less able children, and the excellent interaction they have with the teachers concerning their children’s progress. “I’ve never had a bad teacher here in twenty years. “ “I couldn’t think of a better place to put my kids”.